It's time for Scavenger Hunt Sunday. This week the prompts are Food, Purple, In Disguise, Shapes and Photographer's Choice. I'm hoping that some day I will find the time to enter some of the other photo challenges. It seems the opportunities are endless...
1. Food - I took this photo a few weeks ago. I couldn't resist snapping the shot of a toddler apparently dining at a sidewalk cafe', sitting all by himself, with a half eaten pizza and a full beer in front of him.
2. Purple - I just realized that I have 2 photos that weren't taken this week (I had plenty of new photos...but these two were just perfect for the prompts). This photo is of my grandson who plays 4th grade football for a team that wears purple.
3. In Disquise - Yes, it was Trick or Treat in the's a cutie. (Some friends brought their son over for a treat).
4. Shapes - Cacti can rarely develop very strange, abnormal growth patterns, either monstrose (random, deformed growth) or cristate (crested tip) growth patterns. The photograph below shows a Crested Saguaro that I came across in downtown Carefree, Arizona. I thought the shape was very unusual.
5. Photographer's Choice - I had taken several great photos for this theme, but after I shot this one of a bobcat in the neighborhood this morning, my choice was made for me. You don't see them very often and it's not easy being at the right spot at the right time to get a photo. I decided to play around with some editing to add some interest and so he would stand out from the natural background.
This is the original SOOC shot.